Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Simply go to and choose from a wide range of amazing promotional products and apparel. If you have any questions just email or call 305-470-6650.

You can check on your order status by logging in to your account at Or you can always email or call 305-470-6650.

While we prefer to receive artwork in what's called "Vector" format such as a .ai, .eps, or .pdf file, we can work with a variety of different formats. Just upload or email whatever artwork you have and our graphics design team will make it happen.

A setup charge is the cost of setting up the machinery to be able to print your logo on products. This can be a time consuming and tedious process, and is definitely not something you want to rush. So this charge makes sure the printing machinery is set up correctly to be able to print your logo with a quality imprint.

A run charge is the additional cost per unit added to an item with more than one imprint color or location. Typically unless otherwise specified, pricing on our website includes an imprint of one color in one location, and then as you add more imprint colors or locations, run charges get added on per piece.

Of course! Free digital proofs are included free of charge with every order as long as there is time. Proofs typically take 24-48 hours from when the order is placed to when you receive your proof. You will always be able to approve the proof before your order ships out.